Our Castle by The Sea by Lucy Strange

“ Lucy Strange takes a seafaring myth and grounds it in the stark reality of World War II. Growing up in a lighthouse, 11-year-old Pet's world has been one of storms, secret tunnels, and stories about sea monsters. But now the country is at war and the clifftops are a terrifying battleground. Pet will need to muster all her bravery to uncover why her family is being torn apart. This is the story of a girl who is afraid and unnoticed. A girl who freezes with fear at the enemy planes ripping through the skies overhead. A girl who is somehow destined to become part of the strange, ancient legend of the Daughters of Stone.” (Goodreads.com) This book caught my attention because it dealt with coastal towns during WWII and the lighthouses that guarded the sea. I wasn’t sure if this book was going to be historical fiction or fantasy. The book was strange in the sense that it intimated at mythical creatures and a sense that something bigger was going to happen, but it didn’t, not in ...