Minari (Movie Review) written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung


Minari follows Jacob, portrayed by Walking Dead alum, Steven Yeun, his wife, Monica, and their two kids. The family of four moves into their new house in Arkansas, and starts to discuss and plan how they’re going to grow crops, get water, and move through life in this new community.

I may be bias to Steven Yeun considering that I’m a longtime Walking Dead fan, but he did indeed get nominated for Best Actor in the 2021 Oscars for this role. In addition to the great acting, Minari is beautifully shot with great cinematography. Overall, Minari is a great movie about family, and what it’s like moving to the United States, from another country, as well as moving far away within the United States itself.

Check out my full review of Minari on Fandomize Media! www.fandomize.com/movies/review-minari-is-a-heartfelt-story-of-family-worthy-of-all-its-oscar-hype/

Shaun Hood
Library Page


This movie is available at the Langley-Adams library and through the MVLC.
