We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez

Pulga, Chico, and Pequeña are three teenagers who all have reasons to escape their neighborhood in Guatemala and run to the freedom of the United States. Pequeña has just given birth to a baby born of violence that she doesn’t want, and Pulga and Chico are running from gang violence.

Except the trip from Guatemala to the United States is not easy, and it is dangerous. Throughout the book, Pulga, Chico, and Pequeña encounter obstacles that stand in their way, attempting to prevent them from making the trip that many are unable to make. Along the way, they will see people who are also trying to make the trip who are unable to go on, and they will have to face just how much they really want to do this, and if they can even continue.

This book is a brutal, honest, and important look at migration. Even though it is a young adult book, I believe it is necessary for everyone to read to understand that migration is truly an act of courage. The three teenagers in this book are fictional, but this book brings the stories of so many to light when most others don’t understand this dangerous and important act first hand. I highly recommend this novel to anyone.

Darcy Lepore
Library Director

Available at the Langley-Adams Library
