Sourdough by Robin Sloan

The unexpected journey that Lois goes on transforms her life and it seems like a cautionary tale because you need hobbies and other outlets away from work to give balance to your life. At the beginning of the story Lois's job has taken over her life and even though she was once passionate about it, it drains her mentally and physically. The sourdough starter helps Lois branch out in ways she never even knew existed and do some soul searching along the way. This book was quick to read and made me laugh out loud while I was reading it. I also have the urge to learn how to make sourdough bread after finishing this book, however I would do it without a mysterious starter. I would recommend this to people who enjoy books about life changing journey involving food (aren't those the best ones?).
Kelsey Fitzgerald
Library Assistant
Available at the Langley Adams Library
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