Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

In the
book “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, written by Stephen Chbosky, the main
character Charlie is a freshman in high school. Charlie is a quiet kid but he’s
always paying attention. He’s currently dealing with a lot but as the book
unravels he comes more and more out of his shell. The book is written in the
format of letters that Charlie, the main character writes. He writes them and
addresses them all to a “friend” with the start of every letter being: Dear
friend. The letters are always ended by “Love always, Charlie.” The “friend’
Charlie is writing to stays anonymous and never writes back.
The readers never find out who it is which is
a cool concept. Charlie is only in his first year in high school and therefore
learns many lessons, some of which even the readers can benefit from. This is a
book that I had to read for a school project. It isn’t something that I would
have picked out on my own but I enjoyed it.
Emma Fandel
Library Page
Available at the Langley Adams Library
Available at the Langley Adams Library
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