Orphan Black (TV Series)

Orphan Black follows an outsider and orphan named Sarah. After witnessing the suicide of a woman who looks identical to her, Sarah assumes the stranger's identity. Expecting to solve her problems by cleaning out the dead woman's savings, Sarah is instead thrust into a mystery when she realizes the dizzying truth that she and the dead woman are clones. While searching for answers, she discovers the chilling fact that there are more people like her out there. With no idea who created the clones she'll need to discover the reason in a hurry as an assassin is killing them one by one.*

This show is a science fiction thriller that is fast paced and addictive, by the end of the first episode I was hooked. The lead actress plays multiple complex roles in the show so well that you forget that it is one person. Although it deals with topics such as personal identity, cloning, and morality it also has funny and heartwarming moments. With so many characters there will be at least one that you can relate to. The show is five seasons in length which is the perfect amount of time for the story lines to play out without it getting old.

Kelsey Fitzgerald
Library Assistant

Available at the Langley Adams Library
This TV Series is rated TV-MA
*Orphan Black - IMDB
