The Rock From the Sky by Jon Klassen

"Turtle really likes standing in his favorite spot. He likes it so much that he asks his friend Armadillo to come over and stand in it, too. But now that Armadillo is standing in that spot, he has a bad feeling about it . . . Here comes The Rock from the Sky, a meditation on the workings of friendship, fate, shared futuristic visions, and that funny feeling you get that there's something off somewhere, but you just can't put your finger on it." ( This book has a very unique illustration and writing style, and it is genuinely hilarious for parents and children alike. It chronicles three animals as they sit in their favorite spots and interact with one another. This is an extremely charming little story that is a lot of fun to read. Hannah Longo Library Page Available at Langley-Adams Library. Other Pictures Books By Jon Klassen: