Our Women on the Ground: Essays by Arab Women Reporting from the Arab World by Zahra Hankir

"In Our Women on the Ground , nineteen of these women tell us, in their own words, about what it's like to report on conflicts that are (quite literally) close to home. From sexual harassment on the streets of Cairo to the impossibility of traveling without a male relative in Yemen, their challenges are unique—as are their advantages, such as being able to speak candidly with other women or gain entry to places that an outsider would never be able to access. Their daring, shocking, and heartfelt stories, told here for the first time, shatter stereotypes about Arab women and provide an urgently needed perspective on a part of the world that is often misunderstood." (Goodreads.com) For as long as I can remember there has always been conflict in the Middle East but I can't say that I know a lot about the Middle East in general (besides what I've learned in school). So when this book came out I picked it because not only is it about women journalists but the essays...